Sept 26, 2020; 1 Day Ranch Clinic-Clinic is FULL
Sept 26, 2020; 1 Day Ranch Clinic-Clinic is FULL
- 1-day Ranch Clinic at the Terry Myers Training Center
- 9:30-4:00
- Cost is $170, includes lunch (deposit of $85 due at registration)
Improve your ranch gaits, with focus on collection, transitions, extensions and how to train for them. In afternoon apply what you learned to working a ranch riding/ranchmanship pattern. Want to play with some cows? We will do that too! We will wrap up the day with work on tracking and having fun with our cows. As a prerequisite, you must be able to walk, trot and canter your horse in a controlled manner and your horse needs to be desensitized to cattle. Prior attendance to a Terry Myers horsemanship clinic helpful but not required. Space is limited to allow for individual attention. Pay your $80 deposit online to secure our spot in the clinic. Auditors are welcome ($20 per day plus $5.00 for lunch, payable when you arrive).