About Terry Myers
Terry has hosted demonstrations and clinics in horsemanship, showmanship, trail, ground work and body positioning at Equine Affaire in Ohio and Massachusetts, Equus America Texas, Equus America Missouri, Equitana USA, Illinois Horse Fair, Michiana Horse Expo, Can Am Horse Expos in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in Canada.
Terry has conducted training clinics in ranch horse disciplines, horsemanship, showmanship, trail, ground work and body positioning at the Terry Myers Training Center and at facilities across the United States and Canada. He is proud to have conducted several clinics with the cadets and army mules at the US Military Academy at West Point. See the schedule page for the current listing of upcoming clinics or contact us about hosting a clinic at your facility.
Terry has had articles published in Horse & Rider and Western Horseman as well as online on EquiSearch.com, an online magazine. Read his monthly columns published in the Horseman’s Corral.
Terry was formerly the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association coach for the Ohio Wesleyan University Equestrian Team for nearly 14 years.
With the philosophy that a trainer/clinician needs to be able to prove that their skills can produce results…Terry has had years of success in training and showing Quarter horses and Paint horses, including his Paint Stallion, Reckless Obsession, who achieve American Paint Horse Association Champion status. Terry has coached countless riders to achieve show ring success. For the last several years Terry has been training, showing and judging ranch horse shows around the county.
Terry Gives Back
4-H: Terry has been very involved with the 4-H youth in Ohio for over 35 years. He sat on the Ohio State 4-H board for 25 years and continues to judge and coach the kids of Ohio.
Built on years of proven experience, it is Terry Myers’ great pleasure to share his knowledge with horse enthusiasts around the county.
Built on years of proven experience, it is Terry Myers’ great pleasure to share his knowledge with horse enthusiasts around the county.